Our Summer feed the kids lunch started in June. We fed close to 100 children twice a week.
In the month of July, several of these children joined Campus Church VBS. Over 18 children were picked up from the projects and brought to VBS each night. Several children came to the salvation Knowledge of Jesus during VBS. Glory be to God.
In the Month of August several of the children ages 6-18 years old, who were saved at VBS are now connected with spiritual mentors who are meeting with them on a weekly bases for bible study, church and to hang out. This is how the Lord birthed our new Spiritual mentor program this summer.
The Light Bible Ministries is so excited about the addition of this ministry. Along with our regular mommy and me outreach for children 0-5 years old, The Lord graciously blessed us to add a spiritual mentor outreach for children 6-18 years old. Our Spiritual mentor outreach helps the child in the project to grow in their love for Jesus through Bible study discipleship, weekly church attendance and special hang out mentoring time. Through the Holy Spirit, People of God such as The Millers, Anita Sutherland, Melanie Winkler and others are making an impact right here in our community. Glory to God.